Other. My mother after giving birth to my sister 1996 began having protein in her urine. Her doctors never raised a concern about this until the spring of 2012. I 2012 her primary doctor told her that she needs to see a neurologist, through out the 2 months she was going to this doctor he put her on meds that made her gain a lot of weight (steroids) then told us she needed to have a biopsy done. Summer 2012 we had biopsy done, doctor told us it was an infection to continue taking meds, didn't tell us if this was life threading or anything. 6 months later this doctor resigns( what the???) my mom was feeling fine so we didn't even really think to find a new doctor .. But I said she needed to go so I scheduled an appt summer 13. Went to the new neph. And when I showed him the biopsy report he said OMG! Her kidney function was 15% at this point. He scheduled a new biopsy and later explained to us, that my moms own body was attacking the kidney. He never gave us a name but said she would need to start dialysis really soon. In the months leading to sept. Everything declined , my mom went from 15% kidney function to 2% over 2 days. Now she's on dialysis, she is still peeing. I don't really know what to call what she has, dies anyone know??