When i first started pd i didnt worry that much about kidney disease at all, if i played my cards right i could pretend i wasnt sick at all. But now after years of pd and pd failing on me, and numerous peritonitis infections it kinda hit me how sick i am, and that even with hemo im pretty much dying. thats a realization that really hurts. im 24 and theres still alot of stuff i wanna do.myfamily keeps telling me im gonna get better and im gonna be ok, but to me it looks more like they're mostly trying to reassure themselves. It hurts the thought of dying young and leaving so many good caring people behind hurts. im sorry if that was depressing but it was just something i had to say and im scared.
........... I have come to the realization that the outcome is greatly dependant on how i treat and nurture myself. If you eat bad, you will feel bad. If you dont excercise, you will feel bad. If you drink to much, you will feel bad. You have alot of control in this situation........Em