They love to blame patients for the illnesses they have, scold them for non-compliance, no matter how impossible the demands of compliance are, and dominate every aspect of the patient's life. EDITED: Corrected spelling in subject line - okarol/moderator
However, there is a nurse mentality which I really don't like. Many nurses seem to have wanted to become army sergeants or policemen, but were turned away at the recruiting station, so they reluctantly took up nursing as the next best opportunity to boss people around. They love to blame patients for the illnesses they have, scold them for non-compliance, no matter how impossible the demands of compliance are, and dominate every aspect of the patient's life. They also filter all information about dialysis through the demands of a political ideology which says that everything will be fine if you just obey what the medical profession says -- which is an outright lie.EDITED: Corrected spelling in subject line - okarol/moderator
unfortunately the transplant coordinator you have to coddle.
unfortunately the transplant coordinator you have to coddle. the rest of them forget it. over the years i've "fired" more than my share of nurses. you don't come into my hospital room or my children's and think you own the place, i do. if there's an attack nurse/receptionist at a doctors office, i find another doctor, because the doctor probably has the same attitude. i'm lucky the nurse at the dialysis center is an angel. i have a few issues with the charge nurse, i think she's a terrible administrator, but have solved that too, i go to the center director if problems aren't solved.