The San Luis Obispo County district attorney's office accused Dr. Hootan Roozrokh, 33, of dependent adult abuse, administering a harmful substance and prescribing controlled substances without a legitimate medical purpose."The law and the facts indicated that Dr. Roozrokh … tried to accelerate [Navarro's] death to facilitate the harvesting of his organs," said Chief Deputy Dist. Atty. Stephen Brown.
Trying to accelerate a person's death is called murder. You don't see any malicious attempt by the doctor? What if your loved one was lying there comatose and that ghoul was pumping that person full of lethal doses of painkillers and other drugs. What would you say then?
Ok points well taken but look at it this way. If the patient is already comatose why is the doctor pumping him full of painkillers...the answer is to suppress his respiration other vitals to make him die sooner.You also ask yourself, "why is such a big deal being made of this case"? The answer is that we don't want this kind of thing happening on a regular basis.
If I was dying I would want the people treating me to make the maximum attempt to keep me going and bring me back if possible. I would be very hesitant to allow cadaveric donation of my organs if I thought I might be attended by a Dr. Roozrokh or someone like him.