I pretty much eat what I want to eat, but have had to begin to cut out some things. The longer I am on dialysis is seems the more foods I get sensitive to or the higher my numbers go. Never had a reaction to chocolate cake before this month. Itched like fricking crazy all night from it. Off the list for sure. Diet coke makes me itch. And spicy foods make my hands tingle all the way to my finger tips. Weird huh? I still eat spicy foods, but in moderation. I try to keep track of the itchy stuff. Geez I would hate to itch any more than I already do after dialysis. I guess the longer you are at it the stronger some things affect you. I absolutely hate for anyone to tell me what I can and can't have. It sets up a stubborn butt in me that will not let it go! So naturally the renal diet makes me crazy!!! Katherine