Part 1 (see part 2 in the next post)
Besides having a daughter who was on dialysis for 6 months back in 2000 (transplant now) I have a wife who has been dealing with type 2 diabetes for 30 years and has slowly been going downhill - until recently! She started watching this youtuber by the name of
Dennis Pollock and he is someone many might consider diabetic, but he might describe himself as just carb sensitive. He is a low carb diet advocate with his A1C and labs in the normal range. My wife started watching him and got me watching him too. My first thought was "con man or crazy man - or both!". But after watching him he started to make sense - and he is backed up by some heavy hitter doctors:
Dr. Richard K. Bernstein (and
more on Dr. Bernstein),
Dr. Bret Scher, and
Dr. Jason Fung.
Lately her blood glucose has been all over the place before she found Mr. Pollock. He helped convince us to try a low carb diet these last months. Both of us reached our target weights after about 2 months. Now for the last month or so we have been trying to control her blood sugars better with diet (low carb and keto recipes - upped the protein), exercise, and just a little bit of insulin (NPH) - and she dropped the
glimepiride meds after taking them for 5 years (really glad, we were worried about the side effects). It looks like she is making great progress! However she may never get off the insulin since after 30 years it looks like she has a tired pancreas, still she is a whole lot better! (her feet and eyes have seen major improvements!)
I will also mention it can be a bit harder being on a low carb diet at first while taking insulin - hypoglycemia can be a worry if a person isn't careful!
Besides her diet we've been implementing an exercise program for her. She is making gains after an initial setback. She did a youtube 30 minute kettlebell workout that was too strenuous for her and wound up shooting up her blood glucose from 118 to 207! We throttled it back and it looks like we are finally dialing in a good program for her level of fitness.
I just thought I would share the good news and see what others thought.
Edit 11/20/2022: According to this Dr. Bernstein video at 5:00 officially my wife shouldn't have been on the glimepiride (one of the sulfonylureas) more than 2 years! I would agree with Dr. Bernstein she probably shouldn't have been on it at all! And would have been better off starting insulin first. Yeah, I'm not happy right now.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Edit 10/24/2021: And more gurus:
Dr. Robert Lustig: Sarah Hallberg:
Edit 11/03/2022: She was a Medical Director at
Virta (an organization that has been running very successful clinical trials for years -
see testimonials) (Her classic TED talk)
Dr. Jeffry Gerber: (also see info on his channel about the upcoming
Low Carb Conference in the Denver area Feb. 23rd - 26th, 2023) Taubes: classic 2002 article in New York Times Magazine, mentions Dr. Atkins - and even a low-carb diet book from 1825! (Edit: 10/18/2022)
article:What if It's All Been a Big Fat Lie?and Gary Taubes websiteNina Teicholz: New York Times Best-Selling author and Science Journalist
The Big Fat SurpriseDr. Tony Hampton: Has a type 1 wife, excellent resources
Linktree resourcesInterview with Dennis PollockFat Fiction cast:"Fat: A Documentary 2" cast: (edit: 10/8/2022)
full documentary - 12/28/2022:
More Gurus & StoriesI will say I seem to remember hearing blurbs about the low carb diet over the years and thinking it must be a bunch of hooey! But then my wife started diving into it and I remember thinking: "well ok, maybe it is just a short term diet to get weight down and blood glucose under control a bit better". Then I saw the results - then we ran into Dr. Richard K. Bernstein. He is an 87 year old Endocrinologist, low carb diet pioneer, and type 1 diabetic with one hell of a story! He is someone who has probably outlived most of his critics and one of the few type 1 diabetics left from his generation!
Ok, maybe this low carb thing could be longer term.
I was thinking about directing some people having a hard time believing it, like we were, this way. If some still think I'm blowing smoke, maybe it would be helpful to throw down my
credentials. I helped head up a group of people that got a bill through the Colorado State legislature in 2007, then renewed in 2012 and 2019.
I like to think I have a nose for a pile of doody. And I'll just say I'm not impressed with the American Diabetes Association standard diet (I don't like to brag about my statehouse experience - who am I kidding, yes I do!)
It comes in handy as an ace when my family gives me static. As an example in a "sparring session"

with my son he'll throw down his ace "well, I'm a doctor!" (M.D. Internal Medicine) -then I'll throw down mine "ever been to the statehouse buddy boy?")
It is also worth noting that Tracey Brown President of the American Diabetes Association (who recently stepped down?) shared she got off insulin with a low carb diet -
and took some flak for it. The ADA does now lists a
low carb diet as an option. If my wife is any indication, it ought to be the standard!
And here she is with Dr. Richard K. Bernstein who has been a frequent critic of the ADA:
Tracey Brown and Dr. Bernstein.
Edit October 26, 2021:
Don't let people tell you, you need carbs! Doctors Richard K. Bernstein and Sarah Hallberg will tell you there are no essential carbs. There are essential proteins and essential fats - but no essential carbs! The only reason a person would have carbs is to get the vitamins and minerals in such things as low carb veggies.
(for those who fear the fat, I would recommend these movies
Fat Fiction and
Fat: A Documentary 2: for those who fear the protein I recommend this
talk by Dr. Richard K. Bernstein)
That said Dr. Bernstein recommends a limit of 6 grams of carbs for breakfast, 12 grams for lunch, and 12 grams for dinner for a 140 pound person. That is much less than the ADA will tell you!
Edit November 7th, 2021:
Here is a conversation I had about
"Why Physicians don't always tell the truth"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Richard K. Bernstein's documentary Diabetes Solution comes out November 9th, 2021!! He is an 87 year old doctor and endocrinologist, a type one diabetic (one of the few left from his generation), and low carb pioneer!
Edit November 12th 2021: You can view 'Diabetes Solution' featuring Dr. Richard K. Bernstein by
visiting his Facebook page and using the media links for viewing.
If you like the documentary I would suggest writing a review on
Rotten Tomatoes.
Edit 11/16/2021 - 11/17/2021: Why Youtuber Dennis Pollock might be motivated about diabetes (besides being predisposed for it):
his Mother He is real good at finding testimonials from people. If you are like me and are tired of trying to figure out dueling studies you might be more impressed with testimonials like I am. Besides Dennis Pollock's channel, you can find testimonials in Dr. Bernstein's new documentary 'The Diabetes Solution'
(ways to watch), the
documentary Fat Fiction on Youtube, and of course in
Dr. Bernstein's book. And did I mention my wife's transformation? I think I did.
Edit 10/7/2022: My wife's A1C has dropped from a fairly recent high of 8.3 to 5.5!!!! No complaints about her feet or eyes recently!