On HD I was fighting to get a Kt/v over 1.2 (that's the minimum the dialysis centers are supposed to hit). But many people feel like those levels are the bare minimum and Kt/v is not that good of a measure of health from treatment.
This page says with PD they are seeking 1.7, hopefully another PD person has good advice for you.
https://www.davita.com/treatment-services/peritoneal-dialysis/peritoneal-dialysis-and-adequacyTo me your husband’s levels look good. I'd guess that less frequent or shorter treatment times are in your future. I'd be interested to hear back how the doctor will measure the residual kidney function and what they are looking for in order to consider tapering off dialysis.
Some people do have sort term kidney problems and end up leaving dialysis life. Good luck for that to be in your future.