Had the problem several years ago brought in electric blanket. Stopped when there was heated chairs.
Are you allowed to have the dialysate temp higher than your body temp? It was the only thing that helped for me.
My machine is set at 36.3. What is your set at? My body temp is in F and my machine is in C so that makes no sense to me. But, I know at 36.3 I do OK. And I know I can go higher. I also have heated chairs and that is a God Send. Maybe layer your clothes up. Wear an extra shell under your top. I hate being cold! Look at the machine yourself to see the temp. Don't trust the sadistic staff.
I go ahead and pulll the blanket over my head, and if they say something about it, I tell them to turn up the F'ing thermostat and I will gladly uncover it.
I have also been told that the director at our clinic has told the techs not to plug in any electric blankets.