I don't remember why they want him above 11 but they do.
Lulu836, I read recently that several big Pharma companies have developed a pill to replace the EPOs - allegedly without the same risks. I read that Switzerland already has it, that it's in the hands of the US FDA for approval. I also read that it's planned to launch in the US when the patents all expire on the EPOs. I think it was called a HIB stabilizer. It's possible this new pill will help you, eh?
HD knocks me out. Within two hours after I get home from dialysis, I am in the bed. Sometimes less than that. Going to bed that early messes up my sleep pattern. I am in and out of the bed every 45 minutes on so. I wake up the next morning totally wasted. It takes until about 5-6pm for my body to recover. Then it is back to dialysis the next day and the pattern repeats itself.
Hubby's BP goes high at the slightest provocation. It's a tight-rope walk then, between too little red blood and a stroke. Yikes.
The sodium part of the HD treatment was removed totally and the BP has been reasonable and appropriate every time since. Sodium is used to combat cramping and since I have a low dry weight and never exceed 1.5L of fluid on board I am not likely to cramp anyhow. Lust a thought............
I think most people have no idea about the danger of high blood pressure.