Dr had me one
? Niacin, yah, that's it, niacin. I'd flush so badly turning all red and looking like I had a sunburn. So I learned to take a regular aspirin with my niacin, twice a day. It never made much improvement in my cholesterol, but I did bruise terribly, and God help me if I got scratched, or cut. I was taking this stuff for years.
One day mowing the yard I must have jambed a tree a bit too hard, poked my leg, didn't notice it. Until I stopped for gas. Found the floorboard around my shoe had about an inch thick pool of blood. My shoe was filled.
Drove arouond to the water faucet and started hosing everything off. Found about a one inch gash in my shin that was still leaking a very steady stream.
Called the Wife as I didn't want to leave a bloody trail. 4 paper towels folded up to a 2 X 2, direct pressure for longer than I can think, gave up and taped it securely. An hour drive to the VA hospital thinking it was gonnna take at least 4 stitches. By the time I got there it had stopped bleeding. Dr slapped on a whimp sticker (band aid) and sent me home.
I called my Primary Dr and told her I was going to quit the niacin and aspirin. Afraid if I were in a major accident I would bleed out internally before anyone could even get there.