I was fairly lucky in that during my 27 months on dialysis, I really didn't have any issues with potassium or phosphorus. I didn't eat a banana or an orange for that entire time, but I had no issues with tomatoes or potatoes. It unnerved my dietitian to no end that I could eat those items and still have no issue with potassium. I swear that she thought I was doing it out of spite. I figured as long as my labs were in shape, she could go pound sand.
Yeah, I'm fine on potassium right now, too, and my dieticians (I've had two so far) have both reacted to that like I hit the lottery.They've been all about moderation. Both times my phosphorus went up right after easter because of those wonderful little chocolate malted eggs and caramel cadburys, but they're not going to be alarmed unless it stays up for 2-3 labs.
Monica, I love those chocolate covered cherries in December! It's not Christmas without them.And now that I know about chocolate covered blueberries, I must have them! Just a few, I promise!
I had a great aunt who was pretty much a drunk and mean as the devil. Every year for Christmans she would give me a box of those cherries. Every time I start to buy some, I think of her and put them back.