Like many people, I watch TV during dialysis. Today, switching from one channel to another I caught the last ten minutes of Quincy before the show I wanted (some of our TV stations are not very up to date). In those ten minutes Quincy stopped a murder in a hospital and got the bad guy arrested. The way the killer was trying to kill the patient was by adding heparin to a drip bag so that the heperin entered the patient's body and they bled to death.A couple of minutes after the show ended, a nurse approached my bed to inject heparin into the dialysis machine so that it would enter my body.As if dialysis isn't scary enough.
LOL Paul. You will find out soon enough that TV shows and movies alike are not exactly factual.
Heparin and Insulin are considered two of the most dangerous drugs in hospitals.
small air bubbles will do no harm
Quote from: Geiser100 on March 11, 2018, 01:42:11 AMsmall air bubbles will do no harmNot true. The won't kill you, but they increase the chances of rheumatoid arthritis in later life.