I just remembered working on this a few years ago when my daughter was on dialysis and thought it might be worth sharing. I started playing by ear after working out a few weeks of meal plans with this, and I imagine that's where most of you are. But for anyone with an OCD streak who hasn't done this already...
This link is read-only but you should be able to copy it.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zMfel7TiV9lnRiCQHrENRy1LHmBW2mfq5jqZytDja7E/edit?usp=sharingThe first sheet consists of thousands of entries of USDA data covering most foods. I forget my primary source for that, but probably usda.gov. The second sheet, called "selected" consists of entries in the master sheet mapped to shorthand keys like "egg" and "tuna". There are other sheets with specific meal plans. You can start with one of those and extend it. The easiest way to add a new food is to go to one of the rows with "-" in the "name" column and change the key.
You enter the portion in the "portion" column terms of the quantity given in the "reference" column. So if the reference is "1 cup" and you enter 0.333 you have about 1/3 cup.
There is a summary that looks like this:
calories 691.35
sodium 714.12
potassium 802.64
phosphorus 517.57
protein 37.76
That's about all the time I have to document it right now, but if there are questions, I will try to help, time-permitting.