Sorry, I have no experience or wisdom to share. But I am sending you good thoughts and support. Sounds scary and very disappointing. Sorry you have to go through this.
Also sending you good thoughts. I have PLD and PKD and will be following this post.What advice are you getting, medically? I have both kidneys and even though they are enormous (both about 9" in length) and taking up so much space, the idea is to keep them if I get a transplant. Maybe my midsection is like a TARDIS?
Gosh, this all sounds so frightening and complicated. I know so little about PKD and all of the ways in which it can manifest itself, so forgive me if this question is stupid. Can an enlarged liver that might be pushing on a transplanted kidney in and of itself cause rejection? It just seems to me that rejection is one issue while a physical mashing of the kidney is an entirely different one. Does that make sense? I mean, if, say, tomorrow you were to have a liver resection, would that resolve the rejection problem?Do please keep us posted, and in the meantime, we all hope you and your medical team can find the solution.