So I'm just back from a fistulagram, but they couldn't get the line in the fistula where the narrowing begun. Not even with the smallest line. QuoteMy venous pressures start a bit high, and lower to around 170 after an hour in session. My bloods have not changed much. I understand that my dialysis goes through the extra veins my body has created. The surgeon stood with a big grin on his face when saying that it's a miracle I can still dialyse.I don't know what's gonna happen now. Anybody had this too?Thanx already, Cas
My venous pressures start a bit high, and lower to around 170 after an hour in session.
What has also helped me was to use smaller needles (16 gauge), turn the pump speed down to <325 and run longer treatments (6 hours).
Hi Sugar first I'm of course wishing you well with your maturing fistula in your foot. Than I want to know where exactly it is, cos I've never seen one either. Is it above your ankle? On the inside or outside?At the moment I'm doing 5 hours to compensate for the Wednesday when I had the 'no-go fistula pasti, and the Thursday when I decided to squeeze so much out of the day (just in case.....) that I was too knackered to dialyses in the evening So today is 60 litres in 5 hours (that's dialysate. Pumpspeed 260, blood processed around 70 litres.) Mostly I do 2 days 30 litres, 1 day off, and a 60 litres when I can.I have a US scan every 3 months, and a gram when the flow is lower. I've canceled a few appointments for plasties as I was on holidays.The narrowing is behind the subclavia, caused by scarring from subclavian lines etc, so it's been stretched about once every 18 months in the last 12 yrs.Lots of love, luck, and healing vibes, Cas
So I'm just back from a fistulagram, but they couldn't get the line in the fistula where the narrowing begun. Not even with the smallest line. My venous pressures start a bit high, and lower to around 170 after an hour in session. My bloods have not changed much. I understand that my dialysis goes through the extra veins my body has created. The surgeon stood with a big grin on his face when saying that it's a miracle I can still dialyse.I don't know what's gonna happen now. Anybody had this too?Thanx already, Cas