I called my Kaiser coordinator the other day to get updated on stuff rom the UCLA evaluation.SO...I tell her I have appointments made with cardio and pulmonary already at UCLA and she says to me..."I need to know these things." I am like...."This is why I called you, to keep you updated."Why is that my responsibility? Sigh. I thought coordinators were supposed to coordinate.I try to keep on top of things with these people, otherwise getting lost in the system will happen.I have cardio and pulmonary appts on March 2.
.... Doctor was an hour late to my appointment. Sigh..... Then into rush hour traffic on Thursday to make dinner at 5:30 with dialysis at 7p.m..... we drive the stupid freeways in the stupid traffic.
I am coping with it for this week. The first night was crazy with it, I thought "oh hell." The second night two Tylenol and 2 Benadryl put me out to the point where i did not care and slept.The third night I had no meds and slept okay. This morning after dialysis I put it on a was able to sleep 4 and half hours straight. Happy green face on the machine each morningFriday I should get my own machine and attend a class on care and maintenance on my own machine. Probably need a different mask. It pinches my sinus area and leaves red marks on my face.