I've just had an interview today with a 'renal social worker'. It wasn't exactly as uplifting as I had hoped. She kept reminding me in little insidious ways of the depressing endpoint. We had the interview in a hospital dialysis centre, so this only made me feel worse as I saw some very sick looking people. I told her that I only want to focus on hope - the hope to stave off dialysis for as long as possible, to stay healthy and to remain independent of hospitals. I just would like to ask whether anyone has heard of this being done? I know that when enough kidney damage has occurred, it becomes an incurable progressive disease. I know all of that. But I guess I am wondering about the possibilities here and whether there have been any exceptional cases?My Neph did say once, that nothing in medicine is guaranteed. The social worker seemed to embrace my goal & is going to organise for me, not just a good renal dietician but also a renal pharmacologist to investigate some supplements & herbs I want to take (Wow, I thought! I can't wait to meet this person!). I'd love to hear from people.
I'm in the same position Athena, trying everything I can to avoid dialysis for as long as possible! I was diagnosed with CKD back in 2007 and was advised that I would need dialysis within 6 months. My renal function was at 18% . Since then I have had several surgeries including reimplantation of my ureters to try and slow the damage to my kidneys caused by urinary reflux. I have been careful with my diet, and my function was stable at 16% until almost 3 years ago when it fell to 11%. I had fistula formed in April 2012. My function promptly improved and went back up to 18%! much to my doctors surprise and my delight over the past few months it has declined again and is now at 14%. My hope is that I will remain stable for as long as possible . My fistula is giving me a heap of trouble, I'm seeing my vascular surgeon next week when he will band it and remove off shoots to hopefully fix my numb hand ! This will be the 6th op on it ! Apart from the renal failure I am pretty fit, I work part time. My nephrologists always says that he doesn't know how I have avoided dialysis but what ever it is to keep on doing it haha!