I'd say "introverts unite!" But none of us would want to show up to the party.
i think people annoy me more than usual as i get older. that's probably par for the course. but see, i can talk just fine through the internet.
Is being non-social a kidney thing in part then? I've never been social, but then I was diagnosed when I was 9 years old, too. Maybe kidney disease just accentuates the non-socialness that was already there for we introverts?
I'm definitely more introverted. Does anyone else dread checking their email? At least with the phone I can see who is calling, opening up Yahoo mail I never know what is waiting for me.
I'm surprised you dread email, because I would say it's an introvert's dream. If you don't want to reply, you can always pretend the internet ate it. Do you dread it more than walking into a room full of acquaintances?