I too ride as much as possible. I travel a lot on the motorcycle. Like Joe, I am on pd so I only have to go to the center twice a month. Sometimes I feel a little guilty pulling up on a bike.Bill
I wish I could find a kit where I can make it a 3wheeler when I want to take him, then convert back to 2 wheels. I sure would hate to spend the money on a new Tricycle. Man them things are High dollar! But sweet none the less.When hubby was in-center, I went to donut shop and bought some donuts and took them to his clinic on my bike. But had to go home and get car to pick him up. I tried doubling him, but he is not balanced well, and bike is too heavy for me to hold up as it is without him. So I just don't do it!Grumpy, where are you dear? Hadnt heard from you in a while.God Bless,lmunchkin
I ride a CanAm Spyder trike, and love it! And like lilmunchkin, I ride every chance I get. Just waiting for the weather to warm up enough to get the bike out.