I had been in the hospital since I blacked out at dialysis Tuesday before last. I normally have dialysis MWF on the third shift. The last one there every night that I get treatment. I end about 90 minutes after everyone else is gone. I waited 6 months to get onto MWF shift. I had to go on Tuesday cause I was too sick with the flu on Monday to go in to dialysis(Fever and throwing up) I have a viral infection between my dermal layer and muscle layer in my lower legs. It doesn't go away but I can control it unless I get another infection like the flu. Last week between the flu and the leg infection it was too much. Then Wednesday before last the hospital said that I was too sick for dialysis so they moved it to Thursday. Then they overbooked and I got bumped to Saturday. I was doing better was supposed to come home on Sunday but got a different lower GI bug. They wouldn't let me go home with a high temp.
On Monday morn, I was still in the hospital but doing better. I asked what time my dialysis was going to be that day. I was told that since I had missed a week of my clinic appointments that I was going to go to the end of the schedule and back on TThS schedule. On this schedule I do not get to see my daughter at all. I called them up and asked them if this was true. They said yes, I can't believe that I can loose my spots to being in the hospital. I asked them what would happen if I did make it in to the clinic that afternoon. They said that my schedule would not change. So against doctors orders I checked myself out and made it into my scheduled time. I was feverish and hallucinating the whole 3 hours. That morning the hospital had given me 160mg of Lasix. So three hours into dialysis I had to go to the bathroom. On my way down the hall I heard the nurse ask the tech if I was going to clot off so that they could get out of there an hour early. Her response was, "Probably."
I was extra caution after hearing this. I did my business and returned. She hooked me up and with out doing anything to my arm started breaking down the machine cause I had clotted off. The nurse then came over and pulled my needles and got huffy with me cause I want to see how big the clots were. She informed me that they could not do that and there wasn't time. In the past nurses have always shown me the clots on paper towels, so that I could tell my doctor that I needed more heparin. I was told that I was being crazy and overly demanding.
Am I just being crazy cause of illness or should I be more concerned about this?
Another thing was that I came in 4.5kg over dry weight. The tech said she wanted to try and take 5 kg off. I told her that they had been giving me lots of Lasix and I would pee a good deal of the 4.5 off. I get really sick when they take more than 3.5kg off in a session. Even with ending an hour plus early I weighted out at .1kg over my dryweight. My trip to the bathroom was only 0.3kg so how far over 3.5 kg had they set the machine?
The day after the Lasix kicked in and I am now 1.5kg under my drywieght. I slept for 25 hours after my treatment. Do patients requests mean anything? Can I learn how to set up the machines myself cause they aren't listening to me? Is my dry weight correct?
I am having a hard time trusting my clinic and they do not have a good relationship with my doctor. I can't wait until his clinic is open in Aug...
Sorry about the long and winding rant....