Hey all! It's been a while since on here, since my computer decided that it's too cold here in Indianapolis and died on me a few weeks ago.
So here's my deal this week...
I had vein mapping last week and I saw the doctor. Apparently, I have a blood clot in my neck from past IV insertion and I have had blood clots in my right arm and my right lung. I am currently taking Coumadin, but obviously there is some damage to my veins and arteries from the clots over the years. My doctor is concerned about blood flow in my neck, and if a fistula/graft would be successful? I have to have a CT done in both arms coming up in the next few weeks which requires two IV's in each hand
If I don't have good blood flow, they may try my legs? Does anyone have a working fistula in their legs? Do you like it? Is it easy to access? I want to start home-hemo if they are able to get a good one placed. Any ideas folks?