today at the clinic, after 2 hours and 26 minutes of flawless run, 49 minutes to go and my machine starts going crazy. all kinds of pressure alarms. the techs come in and try to set my needles right but nothing. then they opened the line and a HUGE clot came out from the line that goes into the machine not the needle. they re-connected me and tried to run again, but nope. same problem. another clot. they think my access is clotting. and i am scared s**tless. does that mean my fistula is dying? will i have to have another one created? i still feel the thrill (mine's near the left hand wrist and i can feel it right over the scar) but according to the tech, it's weak at some spots. she said there is flow. they are going to call the vascular surgeon monday morning as he is out for the weekend and i will find out if he wants to see me or not. but i don't know how i will be able to survive this weekend without knowing something. i don't get heparin (don't know why) and have been on the machine since March. three times a week, 3 hours 15 minutes. with God's grace, i have had good bloodwork through out. i have NEVER had this problem. EVER. and now this. i am so angry and worried at the same time. angry because what kind of fkcin life is this? it's not enough that we have to deal with thiis treatment, all this gets laid of top? this is not fair. #$%#$%^@#$%. i don't know what other details i can or need to provide for the learned folks on here to give me some advice. Help please...i am completely freaking out.