Has anyone had any experience taking Cyclosporine or Cellcept or both?History: I have taken 300mg of cyclosporine daily for over 9 months.I had success in lowering my protein loss for 7 of the 9 months.On the 8th month my protein loss went back up to almost triple of what it had gone down to. Now in the 9th month of taking cyclosporine my protein loss stayed about the same as last month.Current: My nephrologist says he would like me to go into remission as we have not been able to get me off the meds yet and wants me to try Cellcept and quit the Cyclosporine if the cellcept costs me too much than I should stay on the cyclosporine. Cellcept will cost me double the cost of the cyclosporine.My question is does anyone think I should change from cyclosporine to cellcept or should I stay on cyclosporine and why? Will the side effects be the same? Discussion please.
It's funny I searched and searched to find answers and I had to ask here to get the sraight skinny.That's why i love IHD.
Donald Hricik's book, "Kidney Transplantation," p. 50, compares the side-effects of cyclosporine and cellcept as follows: Cyclosporine, in addition to its nephrotoxicity, has a small tendency to increase the chance of malignancy, nerve damage, and diabetes; it has a marked tendency to increase hypertension and excess blood lipids; and it has an extreme tendency to cause overgrowth of gum tissue, excess hair growth, and blood disorders. Cellcept has a small tendency to cause malignancy and blood disorders, and an extreme tendency to cause gastrointestinal problems and lack of white blood cells. Cellcept, especially in combination with cyclosporine and prednisone, has been found to extend the lifespan of transplanted organs and greatly to reduce the incidence of actue rejection. The bottom line is: pick your poison!