Move over and make room for me on that boat..... My last labs were GFR 12.6 and Creatinine 3.64
Is there room for one more in this room? My labs last month showed a creatinine of 3.89, eGFR 13. I think my appetite is getting a bit flakey, but otherwise, I still feel ok.
Hello, can I join?I go to have my blood work done on April 4 but my last blood work in January my creatinine was slightly up to 3.9 but I don't remember my gfr. My feet swell from time to time and I have no appetite at all. I have been sick in my stomach everyday since super bowl Sunday and nothing helps me. My skin is dry all the time, I'm dizzy a lot. On a lot of bp meds but my bp is always high 150/98 is an average for me. I'm also a diabetic and have developed anemia so I think its really close to leave pre-D and join the D land. I've been reading as much as I can on D on here and I have learned a lot. I want to thank everyone on this site for all of the info that's posted it has put my mind at ease. So I'm ready I have gotten my house prepared for my change and my yard has been decreased from 14 acres to just 5 acres something I can manage so just bring it.
Good advice MooseMom, You can't let these issues hold you back. You need to keep living. Getting my fistula installed Friday. Getting nervous. Hope I don't have to use it for a year or two.