Nominate a Caregiver for a 2011 Shire Brave Award! The Shire Brave Awards are a new initiative of Shire plc, a global specialty biopharmaceutical company, to acknowledge ordinary people who give of themselves by caring for others in a meaningful, dedicated and selfless manner. Each recipient of a Brave Award also receives $10,000 USD.
Shire will select up to ten recipients for a 2011 Brave Award. Nominations are open until August 31, 2011. Winners will be announced on or about November 15, 2011.
Important Note:
A caregiver as defined by the Shire Brave Awards is a non-healthcare professional. Doctors, nurses, hospital staff and other healthcare workers who receive compensation as part of their employment for caring for others are not eligible to be considered for a Shire Brave Award.
Who Qualifies? Any lay person who provides care to others.
This may be a friend, sibling, neighbor, parent, child, or other family member that provides a specific and dedicated level of care to an individual(s) and who is not compensated in any direct way because of their role as a caregiver. The Brave Awards are open to eligible Nominees who are residents or citizens of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States.