You've seen you neph a lot! I had appointments twice a year up until a couple of years ago, then three times a year, then four times a year, and now it looks like it'll be every two months. I keep forgetting to ask the lab if they can send a copy of the lab results directly to me at the same time as they send them to my neph.
I DID get my reprieve! Yay! GFR 18, up from 15 last time, and creatinine down to 2.71 from just above 3. It doesn't mean that's just a snapshot of what my kidneys were doing on that day, but it DOES mean that no one is talking dialysis for the next couple of months. The nurse called me with my results, and she didn't mention any other numbers, so I'm going to allow myself to assume that nothing else is glaringly amiss.
told you so!!! MM
Before I started dialysis, that time between the blood tests and the actual visit to the Nephrologist to hear the outcome was utter torture. In some ways, the anxiety of not knowing and anticipating dialysis is so much worse than actually doing it! Somehow, sometimes, the agony of what is one's mind is greater than the actual expereince.....! or maybe I'm just a control freak!
I am pleased to report that I do not have ebola.At first I was just annoyed at the incompetence, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought, "Oh my results are so bad they don't want me to SEE them! Maybe I DO have ebola!!!"