We have ways of dealing with complainers who make waves and upset our apple cart.
Disent will not be tolerated.
Give us a hard time and we will black ball you and you wont be able to get
treatment anywhere in this city.
We'll crash your ass every other treatment and if that doesnt teach you to shut up,
we'll destroy your graft or fistula. If need be, you might be poisoned or infected.
Go ahead and run to your ESRD network, we bought them off a long time ago.
We own your congressperson too.
We will build a case against you and label you.
Complain all you want.
Really, dialysis centers should have stricter regulations, be inspected more frequently without notice,
and provide much better care than the status quo. They should be holding your site for you! They should
have adequate supplies and the patient's needs should come first.