Manda, it is completely understandable that you get overwhelmed by all that you're dealing with because it is a huge burden and would overwhelm anyone. I think the first thing that you really need to do is to face the fact that your belief system (as admirable as it is in some ways) is not serving you very well. By belief system I mean your wanting to believe that you are not sick and that you don't need anything from anyone. This is a false belief and you will burn yourself and your body out. Your body is telling you loudly and clearly that it needs your mind to give it some permission to do less. We all, well most of us anyway, want to do things for ourselves but the reality is that your children can learn equally valuable lessons from you by seeing you ask for what you need from others while still doing things that aren't going to leave you crying and in tremendous pain on a regular basis. You must face up to the state of things and stop "lying" as you called it to others about how you feel. The stress of that charade will inevitably cause both your lupus and fibromyalgia to flare up and make things worse. Telling the truth about how you feel does not mean whining or complaining all the time, it means valuing yourself enough to ask for a reasonable amount of help from those who can give it. Perhaps you could have an honest meeting with your boyfriend and brother, explain the reality of things to them, you could even show them your post here and see if together you can brainstorm about some things that they could each to do ease your load a bit. They may also have some ideas about other people in your immediate circle or community who could do a little. A little from several people is not necessarily a burden to them but people can't read minds. Make a list of some of the things that you'd like help with and see with Matthew and your brother what can be done.This is not easy to do, and I'm not suggesting for a minute that it is. But it is necessary if you want to protect your physical and mental well-being. There are many difficult things required of us as CKD patients, becoming knowledgeable about all aspects of our illness, managing our diets carefully, consistently and vigilantly, complying with medication regimens that would drive anyone cuckoo and trying to maintain a sense of ourselves as worthy people when we often feel like crap.I would strongly urge you to make an appointment with your doctor to talk about how you're feeling, tell him/her about your worries concerning the pain pills because you are right to be concerned about abusing them. It can happen so very easily and it's understandable but not healthy either. Perhaps he could refer you to a social worker to help you talk things over and develop some strategies to break things down and cope a little better. If you're not yet on D you may feel worse before you feel better and you really have to get rid of the notion that you can just do all this alone. You are sick. All of us with ESRD are very sick. Dialysis keeps us alive and with enough good quality dialysis and good overall health management we can even thrive. What we cannot do is be super human and to persist in thinking that we can pretend we're normal is to doom ourselves to failure. I don't want that for you and it isn't required of you either.
I feel for you and understand what you're going through.Is there a part-time preschool for your 3 yr olds so you can have some time free for yourself? I was a stay-at-home Mom when my children were young and when they were 3 yrs old I sent them to pre-school 3 times a weeks for 3 hours in the Morning each time. They loved it and it gave me time for myself. It was a Co-op so it didn't cost that much. Then when my oldest was 11 and my youngest was 9 I contracted kidney disease and once again became a stay-at-home Mom. The friends that I met in that preschool along with friends from their elementary school became my Godsend when I couldn't find the energy to do all that "kid" stuff. Parents stepped up to the plate to help me get my children to after-school activities. What you need is a way to become part of a social network for the benefit of your children and a preschool can sometimes do that for you. +++++I also have aching muscles and joints due to kidney disease and have resorted to vicadin at times. Last week my renal Doc told me there are a number of new meds out there for this. Ask your doctor about them. Hang in there, you can find ways to get through this.