I am certainly not super knowledgeable about this but will tell you about my Dad.
He has been on dx for 8 months now and his desire to eat, vomit, diahrroh(oh - can't spell that word so - shits) etc has fluctuated.
The first four months Dad hardly ate anything and I am sure it was to do with
- being scared of all the bloody food that he could and couldn't eat
- the shock of being on dialysis and how it changed his life
- loosing his appetite because of dx and his body had to get used to it
- being tired
- being depressed
- medication side effects
Anyway Dad and I spent quite a bit of time with the Renal Dietician and worked out a special diet that consisted of foods that he used to like eating and that "fit in" the renal diet.
We also got protein drinks prescribed too
He also keeps a log of what he eats - memory is a bit "how ya going" so then he can "see" just how much he eats rather than relying on his memory. One day blends into the next.
In the past 2 months his appetite has improved. He eats "normal" sized meals like the rest of the family but still tends to only eat small meals the day of dx.
Anyway that's my