I recently happened upon this board when I found out I am in the beginning stages of Lupus Nephritis and wanted to understand more about the disease. Because I have no insurance, I have tried my best to treat my Lupus naturally, with a lot of success...but, with Lupus you never know what's next! My heart hurts for John and his wife, and it makes me sick how they were treated by the doctors when John chose to do things differently. I must say that their story, as well as other's I have read, has heightened my resolve to find an alternative answer to this most frustrating issue. I say frustrating because all this time I've been eating a diet conducive to healing the Lupus as well as my Lupus induced heart disease, and the kidney disease diet is the exact opposite of what I've been doing these last nearly four years. Basically, one causes harm to the other and vice versa...and I can't just ignore one to care for the other, since they are the two most important organs in the body.
Well, I have found an answer and for the last three weeks I've been taking a product called Ubiquinol, which is the bio-available form of CoQ10. I am just recently noticing significantly less pain in both of my kidneys, though I still have a lot of water retention.
There has been a double blind study done that shows CoQ10 can reverse Kidney disease, even in the end stages. I am posting the better of the sites that talk about CoQ10/Ubiquinol so that you may read them for yourselves, in order of their significance. These are available to the public and are not copyrighted.
I wish the best to all of you and hope this helps at least some of you.
http://www.rejuvenation-science.com/n_coq10-kidney_failure.htmlhttp://www.annieappleseedproject.org/coqbenforenr.htmlhttp://digitalnaturopath.com/treat/T89577.htmlhttp://www.livestrong.com/article/499771-ubiquinol-dosage/http://vitamins-minerals.knoji.com/the-health-benefits-of-coenzyme-q10/Edited: Moved to General Discussion - okarol/admin
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