Many thanks for your kind replies, Simon Dog, MooseMom and Ukrainian Tracksuit, it is very much appreciated and certainly helps me to feel a little calmer about "things" and perhaps also more determined to find a better way forward.
I received the above mentioned information on my e-mail through a site called "
Patients Know Best", which
supposedly was originally set-up, to inform patients per e-mail about their next medical appointments, blood-test-results etc. and of course, I originally signed-up, because it seemed logical and I thought it would be such a brilliant idea, if I know my blood-test-results, sent to me by e-mail, without having to ask and/or beg for the results in person.
But, unfortunately, over time it seemed to have started to deteriorate, as sometimes happens to some brilliant ideas. Of course, I still receive my blood-test-results and next appointments etc. (which is the brilliant side of it)
but unfortunately, I also receive regular medical Questionnaires (sometimes on a weekly basis) to be filled in for medical research, i.e. questions about my emotional "feelings" about covid-lock-downs, also check-ups per computer-questionnaires, whether I "feel" or notice any covid-symptoms etc. Of course, in the beginning I was obliging, because I was grateful to receive my blood-test-results etc. so easily, but "the whole thing" is now beginning to become a little too intimidating and, I feel as if I am now not only supposed to
pay-back their efforts to send my blood-test-results by e-mail, but I am made to feel that it is my
duty to do so and it was also "them", whoever they are, who sent my medical details, without the courtesy of asking me first, to a hospital, where I don't even visit and/or consult with any medics...
... I might perhaps be a bit old-fashioned, but I do feel, that "
Patients Know Best" are taking liberties ... just think about the name they chose to call themselves, it seems just a bit
preposterous ... because ... after all, Patients don't really know best, otherwise we would not need to go to a doctor, would we ?
... and I wonder, because it does not seem such a good idea any longer and even though it was very much more complicated to receive a print-out of my blood-test-results "in the old days", at least I did not have to put-up with aggravation and/or liberties being taken. Their computer-language also leaves lots to be desired and does not fill the reader with confidence, because it seems like "dealing with a robot" without any human echo whatsoever... unfortunately ...
Many thanks again from Kristina.