We enjoyed Costa Rica prior to dialysis. I'd recommend it but you may be anchored to San Jose for dialysis. But you can still do good day trips to La Fortuna and other locations.
https://www.health-tourism.com/dialysis/costa-rica/usually I search for "Holiday Dialysis" and the country. The holiday dialysis term seems to be more UK speak but it works....
I also search on
http://www.globaldialysis.com/search-for-dialysis-centres.html but they only list Clinica Biblica which is at the first link.
The "List" publication from 2011 lists:
Francisco Jose Mora - Palma
Apartado 163 Zona Postal 2350
San Jose, CO 0506 Costa Rica
22 59 05 67
Fax: 22 56 81 14
francisco_mp@latinmail. com
Mora-Palma Francisco Jose, M. D.
CAPD backup; Conventional
home HD; S, E.
** Please may I recommend a moderator moves this thread to the Dialysis: Traveling Tips and Stories section so its organized with the rest of the travel topics.