I just managed to stick a sharp in my long abandoned buttonhole without touching any of the 3 collateral veins surrounding it, AND the venous pressures are great. I'm so happy... They told me after (self requested) ultra sound to make a new BH in between 2 other ones, but I couldn't get the sharp in cos very calcified. So I asked if I could try the top BH as that was abandoned so long ago. NO the collateral veins are too close. So I did anyway (the sun is shining and 'they'd called that they wanted to try a plasti again eventhough the last 4 didn't work...)And I had to let somebody know before hubby comes back from work cos I would explode. Thanx honeys, love y'all, Cas
Still want to print me a bunch of them shirts. Dead Man Walking.OH, Oh, I got a great idea. Maybe I should ask Kitkatz to CHANGE my name? She so loves changing member names.I hope she is in a really good mood when/if she reads this.