Yes, I DID.
I keep asking my Primary Dr for the Shingles Vaccine, she somehow manages to put me off, again, and again.
My Wife had them around her left side just above the belt line, from spine to navel. She was miserable.
I would describe them a looking like some mid-evil curse.
Don't remember the name of the anti-viral they gave her, but I was very glad we had great health and pharmacy coverage then as our co-pay was only IIRC $15. Pharmacist told me they were charged something like $800 per pill !!!!!!! Times 4 a day. Damn Drug Companies.
I developed a 3 inch spot on the inside of my L calf. Dr claimed it was shingnles. No pain, just blisters and a mess so I kept it covered. Wasn't too long, healed. Lucky?