I also support the local bank or credit union if you have one locally that you can join. Tony's only income is his SSDI and when he bought his truck he had no credit and a good job so he got financed... At 20% interest and a $560/month payment. 2 years later kidneys fail, work stops and he's still paying that large truck payment, which was almost half his SSDI check. So I told him to try the credit union and he sat down with the person making the loan decision, showed him proof of his income and his truck payment (all other bills are in my name) and they refinanced him no problem. So it's worth a shot in your case too. Do you have a 401k or anything you can borrow against or take out? I took a loan on my 401k to pay off my debt. The interest rate was significantly less than the interest on the debt. Also, just because you are married doesn't make your credit scores joint. The only way her debt will be on your report and vice versa is if you had a joint account or if you were an authorized user on one of her cards. Your credit report will say that you're married but that's it unless you have shared credit accounts. I just found that out recently actually. Good luck, I know it's tough! We're on a sinking financial ship over here too, barely keeping afloat at times but we will get through. Always do, and I'm sure you will too.