In one study, college students divided into three groups. One group had to give a speech supporting raising tuition at their college. A second group chose between a speech for or against tuition hikes. A third group proceeded directly to the second stage – those devious, unsolvable puzzles. This time, the no-speech group and the group that gave the speech with which they likely disagreed both lasted about twice as long as the people who got to choose what they spoke about. The results suggested it wasn’t just restraint in the face of desire that could deplete your ego, but any choice at all. The subjects who didn’t have to choose a topic were able to allow their volition to take a break, and their ego energy reserves remained intact."
http://youarenotsosmart.com/2012/04/17/ego-depletion/Is this one reason conventional dialysis is so embedded? Conventional, incenter, is the 'no choice', choice. Physiologically this study suggests that by going along with the default choice you are saving energy for other battles; in that context conventional incenter makes sense.
So really doctors should just make better choices for people.