I have had a couple of traumatic incidents at my dialysis center. (Can I specify the name of the facility?) They centered around a technician who had a dislike for me for reasons known only to God. On at least two occasions, she purposefully overstated my weight gain by at least seven kilos (i weigh 70 kilos currently), and of course said machine took that amount of weight off me in the three and a half hour period of my dialysis. On the first occasion, I wound up in the hospital for a week with pneumonia and had tubes going in and out of every possible orifice. It took a month to recover. The second occasion caused me to pass out three times both during and after dialysis. The director of the facility stated that the technician was "bossy". I presume Nazi guards at Buchenwald were "bossy", too.I told the director that I did not want "Susan" to touch me or my dialysis machine again. The director agreed and permitted me to tilt my recliner and the machine so that I could observe my bp and the amount of weight that they were taking off during the procedure. All went well until three weeks ago, when "Susan" wound up on my side of the facility once again. I panicked and screamed and moaned and groaned until the manager came out to see me. I expressed my fears that the tech was given a third chance to kill me and she might succeed this time. She hedged on her promise to keep that tech away from me, and I demanded a transfer to another nearby facility. Things were going well at the new facility until late last week. The manager came out with a new policy that prohibited the tilting of machines so that the patient could observe the bp and other numbers. As I was the only one who asked for this, guess who the policy was aimed at? Any ideas how to cope?
Things were going well at the new facility until late last week. The manager came out with a new policy that prohibited the tilting of machines so that the patient could observe the bp and other numbers.