good news! met with doc at clinic today. he was precious, we covered everything i could fit in, i had my laptop there to remind me. he talked to me with intelligence and respect and has the best bedside manner.
he was not happy about lack of precautions for ems or any other transport and this is changed immediately to minimum gloves and mask and clean cot. he even added that he doesn't want transport personnel in the unit with muddy shoes..LOL..i had a pdf on cdc regs and their company policy, but didn't need it.
discussion on communication with nurses/techs: resolved issue.
vaccine issue resolved, no not mandatory. though he did tell me it would only raise PRA levels about 3-4 points?
much more but i can say it was a great meeting! he said was impressed with knowledge and advocacy.
also, no more than 3 kilos at a time to be taken off, and no prob rob on the tegaderm. (i bought more online, 20 for $8.50).
even better, he is in the mix with transplant team and will conference with them to get going, we aren't the only ones having issues with them.
i began discussion with much praise of him and everyone. felt we could resolve issues quickly.
note: no, at least here, you do not need to be on the list for a month to receive a transplant with a living donor. its offered but is two separate areas. there are many at the clinic on their second transplant, some from other states, and report this is not the case where they had theirs either. if you have a living donor you can opt out of list. its the patients choice. (we opted to be on list as well just in case).
one of the best things about today was that it was clinic day, every patient and family member sat with us at one time or another in the lobby and we had a mini support meet. what a ruckus! laughing, sharing, everyone opening up, talk about family! DH sat with us 30 mins before he went back and then afterward.
my buddy there whos worked with me to start support group and advocate for others, has gotten the wifi up and running. we both brought our laptops in. we were able to do some research and so on for who wanted it.
there is still ongoing discussion of privacy curtains. and though they can't provide a coffee pot, we are allowed to bring in our own from the convenience store. and! new furniture is being ordered!
i think thats all of it. it was a good day! i am cooking dinner and want to say that i planted rutabagas from seed and they are huge. was told these can be used instead of potatoes. we like them, thought i'd plant and see.
so, while i rarely "freak out", today i am because i am so pleased! i do thank God for giving me the backbone for the task. when we leave there, i want to feel i have done something to improve whatever i can, even if its something small.