A little background:
I've had many stomach surgeries, and a part of my stomach was used to create a bladder.
Well, anyways, I eat VERY little. (Like, 6 french fries in, and I cannot eat at all)
So, this was all ok. But then I talked to my renal team and therapist.
I've been on diets my entire life. So, I have a hard time sometimes realizing how much of what is ok. I'm used to limiting. And, due to keeping track of things, I have OCD/anxiety.
But, with an active lifestyle now, Being 22 and not always getting a chance/or desire to eat. I tend to push it aside. I rarely feel actually HUNGRY. Well, besides actual real medical reasons, somewhere along my lines of "I want to get healthy" and go from 125 in a year to 102. And at some point the lines have blurred for me what was "healthy" and what was not. I take my meds and all. Blood is fine.
Coming to my point.
I was recently diagnosed with a ED and I'm not sure how to handle it. As in, I'm getting help for it. And I recognized what was "Wrong" in my ways. But it doesn't make my feelings just go
away. If I "overeat" (like more than say appetizer) I feel sick, physically. And I hate that feeling. So i always feel like it's not even worth the effort.
Luckily, I've seeked out the help I will need. And have many supportive friends. But my doctors have said this is a very common issue. Since dealing with diets and all is our life. And feeling sick. Also, other factors. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this stuff.