Luckily your mom doesn't have to understand what renal failure is and your problem set is one that can be worked out through love and understanding.
Marvin says the thought of stopping dialysis has never crossed his mind (he's starting his 13th year on hemo). He says that's a death sentence, and he doesn't want to die just yet. As his spouse and caregiver, I (like skyedogrocks) would be mad at him if he wanted to stop. If he does get to the point when he wants to stop, I will beg and plead with him to keep going. I cannot imagine my life without him. Sometimes when I'm finding his glasses or getting his socks out of the drawer, I will jokingly say to him, "Where would you be without me?" and he answers, "Dead." The truth is, I'd be nothing without him, too. He's the "sick" one, but he's the reason why I get up every morning and keep plugging along. This year, we will celebrate our 22nd wedding anniversary, but, even if we're married for 122 years before one of us dies, it won't be enough time together. EVERY DAY with him is good (not always easy with this disease -- but still very, very good). Dialysis gives us more days together.