well, had the appt Friday and it was not what I wanted at all. The night before had a fight with a family member who "insisted" it is all in my head and a need for attention, which really screwed me up going in. Doc was focused ONLY on blood pressure and nothing else. I agree bp is a problem and 3 drugs don't touch it - so maybe something else is invovled we need to investigate? He switched me to two other drugs. ok, i try it. I finally said "i am very concerned about this reaction I've been having for several months, and it seems I am the only one. It is a real problem...and I forget what else" but he listened then. I went through the symptoms i had that morning, which i documented and the timing of each. Oh, I forgot tho say my reaction that morning was worse than usual, and I arrived at his office one hour later in a complete fog barely able to talk. He didn't seem to see a problem with me. IDIOT! He did acknowledge my reaction was parasympathetic nervous system, triggered by my thoughts or feelings.They can't see past anxiety! I tried to tell him before I was recently diagnosed with those other disorders, one of which IS a nervous system problem, but he won't hear of it, and now lost respect for my family doc for diagnosing it. He wants me to try ativan and benedryl next week to see if that helps. I asked how do we know if this works, and he said he will monitor blood pressure. No a word about the reaction, and he won't discuss further than its "my thoughts". Yes, my thoughts that I will die in about a month if this is not addressed is truly freaking me out. I have come to realize he has no clue other than anxiety. When the normal doesn't work,you look at the usual. I told him the unusual and he denied it.I saw my GP and asked for a referral to the teaching/research hospital an hour away. she said they only take referrals from specialists, to which I said he will kill me before he refers me. She agreed to write the referral. I don't know what else to do, other than next week I am seeing an advocate to help with my disability claim, so maybe he can offer some other suggestions.thanks for listening guys.