Interesting!After dialysis for eight months, my health went to hell. I now have chronic bronchitis, pulmanory embolism caused by that chest catheter and the Doctor has me on Warfarin which gave me three months of the hersey squirts. I read two scientific studies that claimed aspirin works fine for a pulmonary embolism. He didn't buy it. This is my fifth doctor on the chronic bronchitis and I now have five different opinions on treatment which includes sleep clinic and surgery. He wouldn't release me from Warfarin. CT scan instead to cover his ass. Blood test tomorrow, my fourth of the month. I gave him the blood test results from Friday. No soap - a doctor is never wrong. I am close to telling every doctor I know to shove it up their - - - ear.Among other things, I have learned that doctors do not like "No" and that includes my Nephrologist who did not want to perform the tests that eventually released me from Dialysis. I had renal failure because of a misdiagnosis, he said constipation and it was cancer which blocked kidney function. After five months they carried me into the hospital unconscious. From then on it was downhill. I told the doctor today I didn't trust doctors anymore and he did not appreciate me quoting the New England Journal of Medicine or the National Health Institute. It was the doctors who prescribed Norco back when I was in that hospital. That worked its way up to six pills a day for no particular reason. Before Christmas I cold turkeyed all six of those pills. I don't know if I can ever forgive the bat-shit crazy doctors who did that to me.I truly do not like closed minded people. I do not like those who cannot be swayed from their religion, meaning doctors and their medicine. Telling the doctor that it was my body gained no traction. Am I pissed? I made an appointment with a shrink, I need a third non-MD opinion. And I will not find a sixth doctor.I cannot offer an opinion on aspirin and kidney function. Some places say do it, others say don't.