This is not advice. This is just an extreme that I went to to get some fluid off on the 3 day dialysis weekend.
I'm having trouble getting fluid off and it pools in my face so I just hate it. My vascular system is so messed up. Then I have 2 dialysis accesses (one in each arm). I like that because I have plan A and plan B and no emergency fistulagrams. But, that is a LOT of blood out that my heart has to push around.
Anyway, they can't seem to get all my fluid off. My BP is so low they have to shut me off. I leave with fluid on my face. A double chin that I should not have. Plus my cheeks are full.
So I went over to the YMCA and paid $15 for a day pass and went in to the Sauna. Fluid was pouring off me in 15 minutes which they say is the max but I stayed an extra 5. I won't do that again.... you keep sweating after you leave so 15 is just fine. I really did feel better afterwards. When I got home my BP crashed but I just laid down on my bed with the dog and we took a nap.
I would be so miserable if I hadn't done that. It is probably not good for me.... I'm sitting in the Sauna by myself and wonder why people, normal non-dialysis people do this?? But, I'm glad it is there for me.
Next time I have to do this and I would not do it everyday,,, I'm going to weigh myself before and after just to see.
I should just go exercise and sweat it off I know....ZACH!!