Interesting question.Down here, at least for me, our renal team oversees both D patients (well pre-D also) and tx patients, so it is a related group. However I have not seen my pre-tx neph, who is also the head of dept, since my tx, though it has been discussed over the past year or so on and off that since I was pretty stable that I could consider going back to him, but I'm still being seen in the tx clinic. I'm happy enough with that.As for the D team.. well I've gone and seen them of my own bat (the nurses and so on) quite a few times since tx - both to see them and some of the patients I know.. not to rub it in that I have a tx, but beause I consider them all friendly.Last was there in November for the Melbourne Cup (horse race). I joined in the sweep they were running and hung around with them for a bit and chatted and stuff. It was nice. I love my D unit.. but I love it even more I am now not their patient but their friend And when I sit I can get up again whenever I want!!!