Hello dear friends,
It has been a long while since I last wrote any thing.One of the reasons why I haven't wrote anything is because the 3rd week of last month,I was rushed to St.Peters hospital in the Olympia-Lacey,Wash area.The hospital here in Centralia,Wash does not have a floor for kidney patients.I spent few days in the hospital.I recieved anemia shots every other day.I was becoming homesick.I was missing my epts.Along with missing my boyfriend Thomas & family members & friends.My boyfriend Thomas ,younger brother Bob & sis in law Linda came to visit me as often as they could.2 weeks ago from Saturday,I was able to come home.I'm now getting anemia shots at my dialysis 3 times a week.It feel GOOD to be BACK at my dialysis center.The staff & my friends were HAPPY
to see me come back.It feels GOOD to be back.
How is everyone doing?It has taken be awhile to get caught up on misthings around here.I've started to enjoy my life once more, LOve & HUgs,