I have been doing research on fistulas the last few days and i must say i am so confused. I go back to my neph on Tuesday and at my last apt she said that if my creatinine has reached 3 then she is sending me for vein mapping. I don't want to go in blind so i havebeen trying to find out all i can about diff accesses. I haven't really learned much that makes since so i figured my good friends here would be the best source for information. I have saw pitcures on the net of what some fistulas look like after words and i must admit it scared me to death. Do all of them end up looking like someone blew your vein up like a balloon? I can handle the scarring but what i saw I'm not so sure. Button holes good or bad? Can someone please help me understand what to expect.
Peaches... the following link to the
Fistula First website will teach you anything and everything there is to know about them.
FistulaFirst.orgRemember, using your own vein/artery is the best way to go. Many US surgeons like to go the synthetic route because it is much easier for them sergically. Another thing to remember is, never be afraid to ask for and receive a second opinion from a surgeon with affiliations to another institution.
finally, different surgeons have different comfort levels in the size of the vein/artery they work with. Some will not work a natural vein smaller than 4 millimeters while others will go down to 2 or 2.5. Yes, it is true the larger the vein/arter, the better the outcome. Perhaps this is why many work with larger.
Please view the website as it will give you many answers to what you are looking for. Remember, never be afraid to question your docs or surgeons about anything... An informed patient is not afraid to ask for information.