Our NHS has many faults but thank god we Brits don't have to go through the hassle and stress of dealing with medical insurance companies!
In Ontario, our provincial health insurance will reimburse the patient $210 per treatment, I guess that's what's allotted here. The Kidney Foundation offers interest-free loans to patients who travel and when OHIP reimburses the patient, the loan can be re-paid.Of course, all this travel business is still expensive since dialysis in the US for example can cost up $400 to $1000 per session (according to KF literature) and the patient will have to cover the difference. There are usually reciprocal arrangements between provinces within Canada and way back when I used to travel between Ontario and Nova Scotia I paid nothing.Anyone from here dialyzed in another province recently?
Quote from: Ken Shelmerdine on August 14, 2011, 04:44:10 PMOur NHS has many faults but thank god we Brits don't have to go through the hassle and stress of dealing with medical insurance companies!What?? You mean you don't believe in liberty and freedom? Oh dear God...you must be a (gasp!) socialist! Oh, the horror, the horror!!!
I can relate to needing a vacation FindingNeverland. Having said that, we are happy to offer you dialysis for a week and accommodation in St. Lucia (no charge). You would have use of a very nice 3 bedroom house overlooking the sea, transport to and from dialysis and your dialysis treatments included. There is room for your husbands family also. Sorry we cannot afford airfair. The only condition is that it would have to be this summer.