Sex advice: Awaiting kidney transplant, he's lost that loving feeling
9:42 AM, Jun. 4, 2011 | Comments
Dear Isadora: I love my husband. He is the best thing that ever happened to me. The problem is this: He is awaiting a kidney transplant. This has put strain on our marriage and on our sex life. He is not able to perform as he used to because of the effects of his medications. I have asked him for cuddle time repeatedly, but he is nonresponsive. What should I do?
Answer: First express your sympathy and support for what he is going through. If someone is facing his own mortality or is in frequent pain, he may not be feeling very sexy or even affectionate.
Then propose some solutions. Will he cuddle with you if you make it clear that you don't expect anything more from him at the moment?
If he knows exactly what you are asking, he may be more willing to provide it.
If not, I'm afraid you will have to take care of your own needs for affection, comfort and orgasm during this difficult time.