Diane, I am so sad that you have to go through all of this financial stress, as if dialysis were not stressful enough for most people!I do not know much about bankruptcy, but I do know that many bankruptcies are declared in an effort to keep the home, not go through the double trauma of a bankruptcy and foreclosure. My husband and I do not have great luck with finances it seems, but we have paid down a significant portion of debt in our lives (we were totally debt free at one point, but that did not last thanks to the financial meltdown) and so have some experience with tackling these problems. Firstly, while we are fortunate to never have missed a mortgage payment, I have heard repeatedly that banks will not even talk to you until you are 3-6 months behind. There is a very narrow window to negotiate, please make this a priority and see if there is any hope of keeping the home, unless you feel that you would be better off just having done with it and moving on. Regardless, even if you want foreclosure, call them because you can negotiate for moving expenses - you could get a few thousand paid to you to move out voluntarily since it can cost them a small fortune should you make them come after you and throw all of your belongings on the street. Gathering the mental energy is a huge obstacle, but once you begin, you will not only feel a weight lifting from you, but you may find you get a rush of productivity and are able to face other issues in your life more easily. At least that's what happens with me. Please set a time for yourself to start this process, and stick to it. It will help you make the best out of a sad situation. You will be amazed at your own strength if you just can take that first step!Good luck and hugs.