"Seven Pounds" is an incredible film and I implore everyone to see it. Its not specifically about kidney transplants per say, but it is about transplantation on a very emotional level. I warn you though, it will break your heart.
TV seems to be the format that's stepping up lately to at least feature Dialysis and transplantation. If you watch "House" religiously, it comes up all the time. I keep hearing about the latest season of "Desperate Housewives" featureing a character on Dialysis, but it would take a lot to get me to watch.
Our numbers are growing every day as more and more people don't take care of the healthy body they were given. The time is ripe for a TV show that tells the story of a Dialysis clinic from both sides, the staff and the patients.
I dont know about your clinic, but mine is like a high school with cliques, gossiping, and drama.
I'll get to work on that idea right away